Faith No More
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Maquinaria Festival
Santiago, Chile
Get Out
sung in Spanish
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
Star A.D.
Cuckoo for Caca
Caralho Voador
Ugly In The Morning
Digging the Grave
Take This Bottle
King for a Day
What a Day
The Last to Know
Just a Man

Ashes to Ashes
Absolute Zero
KFAD...FFAL played with Trey Spruance on guitar, the first time he has played live with the band.
This is the first time Star A.D. and Absolute Zero have ever been played live.

Brass section from Instituto Baccareli in São Paulo

Star A.D. includes a four piece brass section.
Jon joined the band on second guitar from Take This Bottle.
Trey played slide guitar, sitting down, in Take This Bottle, with Jon playing chords.
Jon played acoustic, sitting down, in King For A Day, with Trey playing the solos.
Jon and Trey match riffs in What A Day.
Trey plays the solos for Take This Bottle while Jon plays chords.
Trey plays the solos for Just A Man while Jon plays the main riff.
Just A Man included a gospel choir (as per the recording). Patton calls them "Just A Choir".

At the time of playing Matador was unknown, referred to as "Mystery Song".
Trey leaves the stage and just Jon plays the encore, until Absolute Zero when Trey returns.
We've yet to recover from Absolute Zero being played. In the video, Patton appears to really love it.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1992 Faith No More: Sportshall, Prague Czechoslovakia
1997 Faith No More: Huxley's Neue Welt, Berlin Germany
1999 Mr. Bungle: Elbow Room, Columbia SC, USA
2001 Tomahawk: Shim Sham Club, New Orleans LA, USA
2006 Peeping Tom: Live Music Hall, Köln Germany
2012 Mondo Cane: Regent Theatre, Melbourne VIC, Australia