Faith No More
Wednesday, 02 May 1990
Paradiso Club
Amsterdam, Netherlands
supported by Prong
Toto, "Big Battle" (Dune soundtrack)
From Out Of Nowhere
Falling To Pieces
Introduce Yourself
The Real Thing
Underwater Love
As The Worm Turns
The Crab Song
Edge Of The World
The Morning After
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Technotronic, "Pump Up the Jam"
intro Technotronic, "Get Up"
We Care A Lot
intro sample Yello, "Oh Yeah"
middle New Kids On The Block, "The Right Stuff"
Sweet Dreams (Nestles)
Surprise! You're Dead!
outro Technotronic, "Pump Up the Jam"
Woodpecker From Mars

Zombie Eaters
Death March
Easy (Commodores)
War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
HRC Handelsblad, 25 April 1990 - Paradiso ad
Audience video
Patton wears a police bobby hat in the first song, a checkered waist coat, green shorts, white t-shirt with the Deranged movie poster on it.
Jim is wearing a black Half Life t-shirt tucked into blue jeans.
Roddy is wearing a white Ultraman t-shirt.
Bill is wearing a white t-shirt with an unknown design (Crumb?)

During The Crab Song Patton removes his t-shirt and wears it on his head, singing the whole first verse lying down.

During Edge Of The World drum intro:
-- Patton: Everybody snap, even you with the Sacred Reich t-shirt on , you've gotta snap too
-- Roddy: Oh this is going to be a real challenge
-- Patton: Yeah I know, I was just thinking that myself
-- Roddy: Hey everybody, like this! Snap
-- Patton: Look... What's the word for snap in Dutch? How do you say snap? Come on how to do you say snap?! Jesus fuckin' Christ. Oh really? Who knows how to say snap in Dutch? I know you know, don't fuck with me... How do you say snap? Snap your fingers? Knipen goddamnit! Fuck, fuck fuck! Knipen. Too busy smoking... How about you smoke my cock? Nobody's Knipen up there.

During the We Care A Lot intro:
-- Roddy: I'm still not happy about that knipen thing but that's just me

During the intro of Sweet Dreams Patton asks various people in the front row what their favourite chocolate bars are

After Surprise! You're Dead, before Epic:
-- Patton: You're stoned, I'm not stoned. Y-y-you're stoned, I'm not stoned.
-- Roddy: Are you stoned? No I'm just like that, it's just the way I am.
-- Patton: Guitar solo...
-- Jim plays some random stuff
-- Patton: That's fuckin' so metal
-- Jim: Thanks man...
-- Roddy: How about a new song?!
-- Patton: This song's called Knipen!
--Roddy: Four letters!
(band plays just the first note of Epic)
-- Patton: haha!
-- Roddy: It's a short one I know
-- Patton: This one's a different song, it's called Eeeepic!

On return for encore:
-- Patton: What'd you say Mike? We're gonna play a brand new song that you've never heard before and you will never hear again. Go Jim Go!
(the band plays random notes)
-- Patton: I think it's a fuckin' hit man!

Patton sings the last half of the quiet part of Zombie Eaters deliberately crap.

During the piano intro of Easy:
-- Patton: Ladies and Gentlemen, Roddy

Bill plays the guitar solo on bass at the same time as Jim's solo during Easy

Just before War Pigs:
-- Roddy: Oh thank you so FUCKING MUCH

At end of War Pigs:
-- Patton: Alright Amsterdam, see ya next time, Shut the fuck up!

Patton ends the show atop of Bill's Pevey amps
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1993 Faith No More: Thebarton Theatre, Adelaide SA, Australia
1995 Faith No More: Showcase, San Antonio TX, USA
2003 Tomahawk: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco CA, USA
2018 Dead Cross: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco CA, USA