Faith No More
Tuesday, 15 December 1992
Theatre De Verdure
Nice, France
supported by L7
The Final Countdown remix
Falling To Pieces
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
outro Tom Cochrane, "Life Is A Highway"
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Westbam, "Forward Ever, Backward Never"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
We Care A Lot
middle Kris Kross, "Warm It Up"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro En Vogue, "Free Your Mind"

Death March
Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
Mark Bowen
A Small Victory
After Caffeine, Patton: "The word for the evening is butt fuck. Everybody say butt fuck!"
Before The Crab Song, Roddy: "Hello. How are you? Is Jerry Lewis in the house?"
Before Be Aggressive, Roddy: "This next song... it starts like this!"
When Patton singing "Warm It Up Kriss" in We Care A Lot both Bill and Roddy shout "No!" instead of the usual "I'm about to."
After Woodpecker From Mars:
- Patton: What happened Roddy?
- Roddy: I want my other shoe back! Give me my shoe!
During Jizzlobber Roddy shouts "Give me my shoe!"

Before Death March after returning for encore, Roddy: "Thank you very much for coming to our show. You like my shoe?"
Before Let's Lynch The Landlord, Roddy: "This is a song by the Dead Kennedys. They're a band from San Francisco who preaches love."

Before A Small Victory Roddy apologises for not being able to count in in French.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1999 Fantômas: Bowery Ballroom, New York NY, USA
2022 Mr. Bungle: Teatro Flores, Buenos Aires Argentina