Faith No More
Wednesday, 07 October 1992
City Gardens
Trenton, NJ, USA
supported by Helmet
The Final Countdown remix
Death March
Land Of Sunshine
Zombie Eaters
outro Led Zeppelin, "Stairway To Heaven"
Midlife Crisis
As The Worm Turns
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Madonna, "Vogue"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
We Care A Lot
middle Kris Kross, "Warm It Up"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro En Vogue, "Free Your Mind"

Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
Crack Hitler
Why Do You Bother?
CV Database
The Courier-News Bridgewater NJ, 1 Oct 1992, page D19 - 8pm, tickets $18
Asbury Park Press, 2 Oct 1992, page C7
The Courier-News, 3 Oct 1992, page E4 - 8pm, tickets $18
Audience recording
The power is cut after a minute of Kindergarten. They start it again when power returns.

In the outro to Zombie Eaters Patton sings "and she's buying a Stairway to..... Seattle"
After Zombie Eaters, Patton: "Hello Seattle how are you tonight? Every town's Seattle didn't you know? Seattle!!!"

After Chinese Arithmetic, Roddy: "Thank you... my name is Prince"
During RV intro, Patton: "Here's a little heavy metal enema for ya'll"

Before Jizzlobber, Patton: "I saw a little sign up here I thought I should bring to everyone's attention. Hang on a second, it's really old... OK, it says, "Bands will be held accountable for ANY sound equipment, in parenthesises, microphones, mic stands etc. that they damage, sincerely, City Gardens. Be careful, watch yourself, leave me alone. Hey hey! Tough guy! Hey, you pay for it! Fuck you!"

After returning for encore:
- Roddy: You know our name!
- Patton: What's up dude! What's up dude! What's up dude! What's up dude!
- Roddy: F sharp. Landlord.
- Patton: Yeah, Crack Hitler and Why Do You Bother? We're not gonna do Japanese, is that ok Bill? I'm kinda tired of it myself...
- Roddy: It is the single
- Patton: I know it'd be a good business decision to play that song but personally I don't really, you know. It doesn't agree with me tonight)

A few seconds into Kindergarten the power is cut, so the band talks:
- Roddy: Did anyone see us here with Ministry before? It was a long time ago. It was just like that! The power went out.
- Patton: Shut up drummer, shut up, we're tryin'a talk. Shut up. What was that Roddy?
- Roddy: I was saying it was just like when we were playing that time with Ministry and all the power went off.
- Jim: When Randy shut it off.
- Roddy: What happened this time?
- Patton: I wasn't in the band then but I heard that, they shut the power off on you and threw you outside.
- Roddy: The only difference is we're not getting thrown out.
- Patton: Yeah. Why don't we try to get thrown out?
- Roddy: Yeah! I was just thinking it'd be fun to relive that.
- Patton: (addressing the crowd) You understand that it'd be at your expense however
- Roddy: I don't want to hurt anyone

Before Why Do You Bother?:
- Patton: Before we go let's make sure we're parting on good terms ok?
- Roddy: Do you feel ok about us? Was this a good time? We had fun then?
- Patton: For instance... when you go to your spouse tonight, are you going to go home with a smile?
- Roddy: Or a big ugly frown
- Patton: We're only curious, because we feel that, that's the most important thing, when it all comes down to it, that you're fucking happy. Just tell us what you want! And we'll do it!
- Roddy: Anything
- Patton: Go ahead! Fuck us! Fuck me! Now!
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1990 Faith No More: Starwood Amphitheatre, Nashville TN, USA
1992 Faith No More: CANCELLED Memorial Fairgrounds, York PA, USA
2001 Fantômas: Alltel Pavilion, Raleigh NC, USA
2006 Peeping Tom: LA Weekly Detour Festival, Los Angeles CA, USA
2016 Eyvind Kang: Sacrum Profanum Festival, ICE Kraków Congress Centre, Kraków Poland