Faith No More
Saturday, 10 October 1992
Roseland Ballroom
New York, NY, USA
supported by Helmet
Death March
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
As The Worm Turns
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Prince, "My Name Is Prince"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
We Care A Lot
middle Del tha Funky Homosapien, "Mistadobalina"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro Helmet, "Turned Out"

Under The Bridge (Red Hot Chilli Peppers)
tease, just Patton singing
Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
The Real Thing
A Small Victory
CV Database
Audience recording (starts at Death March, Caffeine was definitely played first)
CVDB says "same setlist as last night"
Audience recording

Article in "Teach Me Violence" fanzine mentions the band played two shows @ Roselands in Oct '92
Daily News, 18 Sep 1992, page 53 - "Another show has been added to Faith No More's gig at the Roseland - Oct 10" - $19.50
Courier-News Bridgewater New Jersey, 3 Oct 1992, page E4
New York Magazine @ Google Books
Before The Crab Song, Patton: "New York, it's so minty"
Before RV, Patton: "This next song is dedicated to Manowar. There's only one band who's fighting the world, and that's Manowar ok? Don't dis Manowar!"

Before Crack Hitler:
- Patton: Anyone want to play a game? This game is called real cool, or fake cool. How the games works is we call out the name of a band and you tell us if they're really cool, or fake cool. Ok Let's start off with...
- Bill: Prince
- Patton: Fake cool fake cool
- Roddy: My name is Prince?
- Patton: He's fake cool, fuck you
- Roddy: But I'm funky
- Patton: You are pretty funky, but you're still fake cool. Um... Cromags!
- Roddy: That's a real cool
- Patton: um, Helmet... Oh yeah, that's cool
- Roddy: Jim Martin on guitar... Oh I'll have to say that's a fake cool
- Patton: Fake cool? Yeah Faith No More! So fake!
- Roddy: F. A. K. E.
- Patton: Capital F. Any band that has body builders in their video, I'm sorry, fake cool, I'm sorry.
- Roddy: How about Right Said Fred though? They're not fake. Right Said Fred.
- Patton: Well they are body builders though, they didn't hire them. We hired em.

Patton stage dived at the end of Jizzlobber and doesn't return until the the second verse of Epic, shouting "I'm sorry!"

After returning for encore, Patton: "Since it's missed about half of that song I feel like I owe you something. Something very very personal and intimate. So There's this song that I've been working on, and none of these guys have heard it, and I want to sing it for you ok? Goes like this... " - sings the first line of RHCP's Under The Bridge chorus.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1989 Faith No More: Edwards No. 8, Birmingham England
1990 Faith No More: Frank Erwin Center, University Of Texas, Austin TX, USA
1997 Faith No More: Rage, Vancouver BC, Canada
2021 Faith No More: CANCELLED Aftershock Festival, Discovery Park, Scaramento CA, USA